Magical Journeys to the USA

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Downtown Aquarium - Houston, Texas

Located in downtown Houston, the Downtown Aquarium is home to more than 200 aquatic animal species from around the world, housed in 500,000-gallon underwater complex.

The attraction caters to children and families and, while not the largest aquarium, does have some interesting exhibits that will keep you interested. Experience Shipwreck, where you can walk inside a replica of a sunken seventeenth century Spanish galleon to view living coral reefs, octopus, moray eel, Clownfish and more.

There’s also the Shark Voyage Tunnel, a ride aboard a C.P. Huntington Train that takes visitors through an aquarium tunnel filled with a variety of shark species which will swim right over your head. The Downtown Aquarium allows you to explore more than just underwater marine life as it’s home to a variety of eco-systems.

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